Track The Scarf

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Knitting, and other things

Great blog title, right?
Well, I'm sure that its a bit of something or other. So.. here we go. First off, I'm listening to this guy. His song is on my iPod if it ever works again. Or my Laptop. Hugo (the laptop) decided that today, he'd like to not work. I wish I could choose that too!
So.. this song is awesome. I'm a bit of a gamer. So there's some of the other things. Also in some of the other things, I've been sleepy lately. As an EMT student, I've been doing hours at local squads and ambulances. So.. yes. sleepy.
I've been to calls of all sorts of things, from feeling dizzy to plane crashes. not bad for a student! Its exciting in some ways, and depressing in others. No one wants to go to calls where we think someone's dead. I even almost went to an ambulance crash. There's a lot of those. Luckily, I avoided it by already being on a call.
Thats from nowhere near me, I found it on google.

So.. there's the other stuff. How bout some knitting?

If you are a tour de france fan, then- believe it or not- there's a knitting group for that.
This Summer, for the first time, I will be spinning in The Tour De Fleece. Thats right! Every year, the spinners create beautiful yarns while watching the tour. You can join as many teams or as few as you want. So..I'm in five. Or more.
My main team is the HPKCHC- Like Always, if you dont know them, then you dont know them. Its a great group. I found this image, to give you a hint to what we're about, and its become our team jersey this year. I'm very excited!
So there it is. Thats a big hint, by the way!

I'm on to exciting things. Today, I've been working on a baby blanket, a scarf, and a pair of socks. If you've never worn hand knit socks, find a knitter and buy a pair. support the fiber!
For the last bit..I guess I should talk about yesterday and the most unexpected email ever.
The World Record scarf is set to cast on on the 26th. I've got to find a place, and some witnesses as well to this event. I'm not sure yet. Its a weird 21 birthday..but I'm not so normal. Here's a photo of what the scarf used to look like.. until next time.. (not this month) I'll see you.

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